
Class Schedule:

Mondays: All Ages, 6:30PM - 8:00PM

Wednesday: Kids, 6:00PM - 7:00PM

Adults, 7:00PM - 8:30 PM

We train two nights a week.

We teach students as young as five, as well as adults, and seniors, of all ages.

Our Monday Classes are open to all students. This mix of ages ensures there are always experienced students present to help the younger and less experienced members of the dojo, while enabling more experienced students to take on positions as leaders and mentors.

Our Wednesday Classes are split to by age to ensure teachers are able to focus more time on addressing the needs of individual students. Parents who wish to train with their children are welcome to attend the kids class, however they are not required to do so.

Location: The Boys and Girls’ club, 559 Bagot Street, Kingston Ontario.

Please use the green Rotary Club doors to enter the building.